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Baltic~Sequoia avenue

Sequoia avenue of the Baltic Sea Hotel-Pension

Logo Ostsee Mammutbaum-Allee

On the property of the Baltic Hotel-Pension there is a small sequoia avenue that is unique in Northern Germany.

These are 10 giant sequoias of the genus Sequoiadendron giganteum, which were grown from seed in 1990. Of course, these can't compete with the magnificent, much older specimens in Yosemite National Park in California; but they have already reached a decent size.

The Baltic Sea coastal climate in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is also good for them.

As a guest on a Baltic Sea nature holiday, you can spend some time in the Sequoia Tree Alley and relax in media or simply let your thoughts run free and enjoy nature with the chirping of birds to switch off for a while. Of course, you can also gain new strength in the centered stone circle through the energy of the impressive large trees. In the evenings, during the summer months, bats, owls and eagle owls like to use the sequoia avenue for free flight to catch insects. In the fall, squirrels and woodpeckers stop by. It is therefore a small biotope for various animal species. There is also one specimen each of the other two species of sequoia on the property of the hotel pension. In one corner of the property there is still a primeval sequoia (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) that sheds its needles in autumn. Long thought to be extinct, the primeval sequoia had just been described from fossils in 1941, when some living specimens were found in China that same year. Therefore it is also known as Chinese Redwood. Its bark shimmers reddish, which is particularly beautiful to look at in the evening sun.

In the rear part of the property there is a still relatively small coast redwood (approx. 7 meters). The coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) is an evergreen and the state tree of the US state of California. This species includes the tallest living trees in the world (115 meters high).

Of course, they need a lot of water and appropriate climatic conditions for their enormous growth.

This means you can even see all species of sequoia trees on the Baltic Sea coast (giant sequoias, coastal sequoia and primeval sequoia) in the park of the Baltic Hotel-Pension in Bad Doberan, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

~Sequoias - Wonders of Nature~

Sequoia trees, esp. the giant sequoia genus, are the largest living creatures on earth and are referred to as primeval trees. The giant sequoia (also called mountain sequoia) is an evergreen tree that can grow to a height of up to 100 meters and a trunk circumference of over 34 meters under good conditions. In the largest specimens, the trunk diameter measured just above the ground can be over 10 meters, measured at a height of 1.30 m as a diameter at breast height over 8 meters. It forms a high, narrow, conical crown, whereby the trunks can be knot-free up to 50 meters long in old age. A very beautiful single, old giant sequoia can be admired at the main entrance of the Rostock Zoo. The largest living giant sequoia, the General Sherman Tree, is in the Giant Forest in Sequoia National Park, is 83.8 meters high and, according to recent measurements, has a trunk volume of around 1,500 m³. The giant sequoia has an extraordinarily resistant bark with a three-dimensional fiber network. It ensures that the tree survives forest fires and falling rocks almost unscathed. The tallest giant sequoia is an unnamed specimen in Redwood Mountain Grove in Kings Canyon National Park at 95 meters tall. There are also very beautiful sequoia specimens on Lake Constance and on the island of Mainau.

General Sherman Sequoia Nationalpark.jpg
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